Dear friends and LPB Group family,
In light of recent events surrounding the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), we hope that we are reaching you in safety, assurance, and good health. During these times, we feel it is of the utmost importance to continue to look after one another and those most susceptible to hardship. We genuinely extend our hearts to the communities most at-risk and devastated by the outbreak, and encourage each and every one of you to check in with those who may feel isolated, alone, or are unable to access much-needed supplies.
Here at LPB Group, safety and health are our highest priorities. It is because of this that we feel great responsibility in how we respond to keep our staff members, customers, and communities safe.
We are committed to providing you the same quality of service that you have come to expect and love, and we are doing everything in our power to honor that commitment. As we take extra steps to ensure safety and compliance with recommended guidelines, orders may experience delays. We thank you for your patience and understanding as we work toward implementing extra precautions to overcome these unpredictable times. The health and well-being of our staff, clients, and community mean everything to us.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at
Now, more than ever, we need to give each other empathy, love, and support.
Thank you for your continuous loyalty.
From our family to yours,
LPB Group.